Saturday, April 28, 2007

Making Connections...

We realized that a bunch of our friends have not seen our little one for quite a while. I will post a recent pic here for all to enjoy. Here she is playing with a new toy car Grandpa B. made for her. She calls it, "papa-car" and it gets pulled around the house by a string.

This is a funny story that has to be shared if for nothing else it is so darn cute.

Lilly and I were making egg salad one day. She wanted to help peel the hardboiled eggs so I showed her how to crack the shells and peel them off. She was very intent on her new job, and is becoming a very good helper in the kitchen. She got through the peeling process and decided to poke her finger through the white part to see what happened, then she decided to try and take a bite. I figured I really didnt need the extra egg and if she wanted to try it, well why not? I turned to the counter to start mixing the eggs together and suddenly she says, "Mommy, yawow tibbit!" She was very excited. When I turned to her again she had gotten the yolk out of the white and was holding it triumphantly in her hand... I tried not to laugh and went through the explantions of the anatomy of the hard boiled egg, white and yolk... but the yolk is still best described as the "yellow timbit." Ahh the pervasiveness of Tim Horton's... she is a true Canadian.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Busy week!

Earlier this week we thought for sure that our newest addition was going to arrive sooner than expected! Mommy had to go the hospital to be checked for preterm labour because she was having all the right symptoms. Luckily after a FFN test the midwife and OB determined that this was not the case. Mommy just has lots of pressure in the uterus due to how low baby is sitting with this pregnancy.

Luckily we have great midwives who took good care of us!

Thanks to Mary for coming over to sit with Lilly while Mommy and Daddy made a run to the hospital.

Here's hoping to making it to 37 weeks!

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Welcome to our family's blog!

Hello Everyone,
We are hoping to get this blog up an running this year so that we can keep everyone apprised of what is new and happening with us! Some of our friends have used this method and it is pretty neat!

Currently we are in the last trimester of a second pregnancy and waiting to see if this little baby comes early like Lilly did. We are hoping not too early and not too late!

We hope that this makes things easier for checking up on us as I am sure that, like last time, we'll not be on the phone as much!

Love, Cary, Drew, Lilly and new baby