Friday, June 15, 2007

Weight update

Sorry everyone, I have not had enough time to update you on A's progress! Here is some quick news to get up to speed. We had A weighed this week and he is now up to 7 lbs 12.5 ozs! Hooray! He now has cute little chubby cheeks and at the risk of being rude, now has cheeks on the other end too! (Well it takes premie babies longer to get these items than full term babies so it is worth noting :)

We were also fortunate to get an appointment with a pediatrician this week to check on A's leg. Amazingly he fully extended the leg for the first time on Monday and we had the appt on Tuesday. The dr. spent a lot of time working the joints and checking reflexes while we were there but could not say that there was anything visibly wrong from the outside. We are now scheduled to have an ultrasound of the hip done next week to see if there is anything detectable that way. Thanks for all the prayers from our friends as that obviously helped A's progress this week!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

How times flies...

Here are some great pre-Fathers Day pictures...
Daddy and Lilly reading a book and Myrrh (cat)enjoying the story too!
We love you Daddy!

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Mommy and baby boy

Thought I'd just place this one here as well... Gotta love moments like these...


We have been down to Poppa's (Lilly's great grandfather) new residence a few times now to see him and he is doing really well so far. Lilly enjoys going to Poppa's house and has enjoyed all the nurses and the other residents there who, of course, adore little kids and babies. I think that Lilly feels like quite a celebrity when she goes there! Here are two cute pics of her helping out... had to share.

Out of the mouths of babes

We're sitting around the supper table the other night eating and having a conversation when Lilly turns to Daddy and says, "I want timbits." She has been having these sugary treats off and on since baby was born and has developed a taste for them (like who hasnt!). This is the conversation that ensued after Lilly kept repeating during the "adult conversation", "I want timbits!"

L: I want timbits.
D: No Lilly there arent any.
L: I want timbits.
D: There arent any, honey.
L: I want timbits!
D: You ate all the timbits, there arent any more.
L: I want timbits!
D: (exasperated) Daddy wants a million dollars.
L: Go to work!