Cutting the pony tail!

Oh my gosh, my baby's baby-hair is cut off! I got to keep it though.

She was quite excited!

I decided to run in and see if I could get my hair done or at least make and appointment. They could take me right away - lucky! Then Lilly says, "I want my hair done too!"
I made sure that she was serious and she was. This is the result! No fear and she was quite thrilled with herself, being a big girl and all. She had a great time! It was a suprise, but it was so much easier brushing her hair tonight.
*sniff* my little girl is getting to be so big!
I made sure that she was serious and she was. This is the result! No fear and she was quite thrilled with herself, being a big girl and all. She had a great time! It was a suprise, but it was so much easier brushing her hair tonight.
*sniff* my little girl is getting to be so big!