Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Our little Architect!

Events in November 2008... yah I have been busy :)

This is what happens when you mix 2 kids who watch Bob the Builder, and Daddy not being fast enough putting the groceries away... Palisade of Pop

Sunday, November 2, 2008
First Hair Cut!

Cutting the pony tail!

Oh my gosh, my baby's baby-hair is cut off! I got to keep it though.

She was quite excited!

I decided to run in and see if I could get my hair done or at least make and appointment. They could take me right away - lucky! Then Lilly says, "I want my hair done too!"
I made sure that she was serious and she was. This is the result! No fear and she was quite thrilled with herself, being a big girl and all. She had a great time! It was a suprise, but it was so much easier brushing her hair tonight.
*sniff* my little girl is getting to be so big!
I made sure that she was serious and she was. This is the result! No fear and she was quite thrilled with herself, being a big girl and all. She had a great time! It was a suprise, but it was so much easier brushing her hair tonight.
*sniff* my little girl is getting to be so big!
First Snow Fall
Friday, October 24, 2008
Kids say the darndest things PART II

We were driving by one of the car dealerships in town and from the back seat I hear:
L: That drives me NUTS!
M: (surprised) Lilly, what did you say?
L: Cars on the grass drive me NUTS!
M: Cars on the grass drive you nuts?! (think to myself, where did this come from?)
L: Cars should drive on the road, not on the grass. They have to be safe, on the grass is not safe, if you were going to the french fry place (Mcd's) and cars were driving all over the place that would not be good.
M: (trying not to laugh) I agree, cars should be on the road. Good thing that you noticed!
L: yeah.
We tried this later with Daddy in the car and a "set-up" from Mommy - Daddy got a good chuckle too!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Kids say the darndest things

Before I get into this I should provide some background to this story. A little while ago Drew was fixing our gate and needed to use the screwdriver to get the large screws out that held in the hinges. His faithful and ever-present assistant Lilly was close at hand learning as much as she could about screw drivers and associated hardware. It should also be noted that Daddy-dear is the best "fixer" in the world according the Lilly and should anything be broken she is optimistic that Daddy can and will repair it. Too bad we cant all add this to our resumes huh?
I was a little worn out the other day and just needed a few minutes of shut-eye while Lilly played trains and Aidan was napping. True to her inquisitive nature Lilly had to come and ask me if I was all right. I explained that I wasnt feeling well (tired) and just needed to rest and take a break for a bit. Here is the conversation that followed:
L: Mommy are you ok?
M: Yes, mommy just wants to feel better. I need to rest for a few minutes.
L: You feel bad? Daddy can help you. He is a good fixer.
M: That's good sweetie (trying to get her to go play)
L: Daddy can screw you, you know.
M: (eyes open in surprise)
L: Daddy can screw you to pieces and then you will feel better fast. He is good at screwing.
My nap ended there... as she proceeded to explain how to screw things... with the screwdriver...
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Our little girl... Princess Hard Hat
Monday, September 8, 2008
Fun at the airport
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Big machines!
Our boys...
Summer Bliss...
Bakers Assistant
A boy and his bear...
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Aunt Eden Visit: Departure... we miss you

Waiting for the train to come. Checking out the tracks at the station and watching the level crossing down the way.

Auntie Eden about to board the train. Wow we are so close! Lilly was surprised at how "loud and stinky" the train was. Aidan was scared whenit pulled up to the station. Lilly has been carrying around her train book that Eden gave her all day!

Bye Bye Auntie Eden! Thanks for the visit! We miss you already. Hope that you had good train ride!
Lilly was surprised at how empty the station was when the train left! She wanted to know where all the people went!
Lilly was surprised at how empty the station was when the train left! She wanted to know where all the people went!
Aunt Eden Visit: Doon Village
Aunt Eden Visit: Mountain trek
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