We also noticed this week that Aidan was holding one of his legs differently than the other. We brought this up with our midwives and we are now going to get an appt with the pediatrician (hopefully soon) as there may be something wrong with Aidan's hip. So far it does not seem really serious as he is just laying there most of the time but this does explain why he screams so much during a diaper change. He does not like to have the leg moved too much. Thank you to our friends at the PCRC for praying for Aidan and we hope that he will be all right soon.

Everything else is going great here. Grandma has come down for a visit for a while to help Mommy and play with Lilly. So far Lilly really likes having someone else around to talk to. Thanks Grandma, Mommy needs the help!
Big sis Lilly is having some adjustment issues with the baby being here and Mommy being busy with baby but like everything we all have to learn how to cope and Lilly will figure it out soon. Mommy and Daddy are being as patient as possible (and then some!).