preterm labour scare at our house... man oh man. I came down with a norwalk type stomach flu really fast last night and was vomitting for 13 hours. Not fun. We had to call our midwives and good thing we did as it turns out that you can go into preterm labour from the vomitting and dehydration. They came over right away to check baby and me out and to make sure that we had everything we needed. I was having contractions on a regular basis again but these were the ones that start in the back and go to the front - not good. Luckily they lessened off and stopped come morning. 
Drew had to stay home from work and take care of me as I was not able to get up for most of today (thank goodness for wireless right now!) He has been doing double duty for most of this last trimester as I have been unable to lift things, wrestle with a toddler, even bend over to empty the dishwasher! (I have to wear a support belt as my back is not strong enough). Lilly and I are very lucky to have such a good Daddy and husband.
This is the second time we have had midwives for our pregnancy and they are just fantastic. The care and level of concern for my well being and our family has been great. My mw even called to check up on me a few times today. We were also able to meet our student mw last night (well I am pretty sure I did but I was so out of it). I am glad that I had the opportunity to listen to a family member who went with midwifery care for her baby. So far things have been great.
I am officially on orders not to leave the city until this kid arrives. Sorry to all our friends & family but you'll only be seing the other 2 members of our family unless you come to our house.
Here's to optimism!
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